June 26, 2003

-----Original Message-----
From: prayer@prayeralert.org [mailto:prayer@prayeralert.org]
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2003 3:52 PM

"Let everyone who is Godly pray to you while you may be found" (Psalm 32:6)

SODOMY & Same-Sex “Marriage:” Blasphemy!

Today, the U.S. Supreme Justices struck down a Texas law banning sodomy in a 6 to 3 opinion. Across the border in Canada, judges in British Columbia, Ontario, and Quebec have ruled that Canada’s laws defining marriage as a union between “a man and a woman” are unconstitutional and must be changed. Canada’s Parliament is expected to uphold the courts decision and allow Canadian and foreign homosexuals to “marry.”

· The marriage covenant was God’s first earthly institution. He intended marriage to illustrate His commitment to Israel (Hos 2:19-20) and the “eternal,” “mystical” and “holy” union of Christ and His Church (Eph 5:31-32). Pro-family activists are right to expose homosexual activism as war against marriage and the family (Mal 2:11-17).

· Sodomy is a sin against nature and an act of rebellion against God. God’s law declares it a crime, punishable by death. The New Testament condemns those who approve of sodomy (i.e., they reject His law, refusing to condemn, judge and punish those who ruin society by their crimes (Gen 19:27-29; Lev 20:13; Rom 1:26, 27, 32).

· The legalization of sodomy is a conscious departure from the God of Scripture, a profound embrace of lawlessness, wickedness, evil. Such is a monumental corporate sin.

· The official approval of sodomite “marriage,” is both a strike against marriage and an act of blasphemy against God who ordained “holy matrimony” (Heb 13:4).

· These judges have sentenced American and Canadian children and grandchildren to eternal moral and spiritual confusion. They will answer to God for future generations brainwashed by an antichrist legal system that exalts the vilest of sins above the God of the Bible (Mat 18:6-7).

· A nation that “legalizes” sodomite marriage cannot avoid the judgment Scripture promises nations that embrace sodomite wickedness (Jdg 19, 20; Ps 9:17; Rom 1:18-20, 32; 2 Pet 2:6, 9-10).

God is Merciful. Under His command (Mk 12:31-32), we must cry out for our Canadian brethren, who like ancient Lot, will not escape judgment unless God graciously intervenes. We must take hold of God for those who do no know Him before they are destroyed, unless they repent (Jonah 4:11). We must pray, too, for America. The seating of God-fearing judges is critical!

Please Join Us in humble Prayer:

· Father, HAVE MERCY! INTERVENE! May Canada’s Parliament arise to FIGHT for their children, homes & nation. PREVENT Canada from committing this act of national Blasphemy (Lev 18:22-29; Neh 4:14; Mal 2:10-17; Eph 5:25-33).

· Lord, Please RAISE UP God-fearing Judges in both the USA & Canada. In Jesus’ Name, Amen (Ex 18:21-23; 2 Chr 19:6-7; Ps 67:4; 96:10; Rom 1:25-32).

Posted by Mike Doughney at June 26, 2003 10:27 PM | TrackBack
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